Published: 07 January 2016
Hits: 6768
Forests of the Golan are rich with oak, gallnut, turpentine, wild damson, wild apricot ,wild almonds and damson plum trees. Forests usually scatter in the western side of the Golan which is open to the sea and which receives rain for six months in the year. Forests cover 18128 acres or 181 square km of the Golan. This is equal to %9 of the total area. In Breqa and Bir Ajam forests cover 3500 acres where as on the south eastern slope of Mt. Hermon forests cover 2050 acres in the villages of Majdal shams, Jubbata al Khashab, Tranjeh and Jubbata al Zeit. In 1981 Forest authority planted an area of 161 acres with pine, cypresses and eucalyptus trees.
2-Meadows:Green grass is permanent all the year round, and covers most parts of the Golan where forests disappear, either because of the shortage of rain fall or because of deforestation. This green cover includes a wide range of plants which grow within a few weeks in spring time to look like a real meadow . After rainy seasons plants grow to the height of 50 c.m.. Of these plants :chamomile, couch grass ,red anemone ,mint and others.