Tuesday, 22 October 2024

 Classification of archeological sites in occupied Golan

The most important characteristics of the historical sites of the Golan is their strong link with the consecutive civilizations that flourished in Syria whether chronologically or artistically. They are various, original and present in every part of the Golan. 

A-Prehistoric sites: (15 sites) These sites extend from the slopes of Mt. Hermon in the north, to Quneitra in the center, going down to the banks of River Yarmouk deep in the south. They concentrate around lake Masaada, Wadi Samak, and the Quneitra valley. Many items and tools of different ages were found in these sites. They belong to different ages.
B-Bronz age sites (42 sites): Sites of this age are found in different places near Lake Tiberia, Wadi Raggad , Tal al JoKhadar and others.
C - Classical age sites :(98 sites):
There arte many historical sites that belong to the classical ages. They are spread in many cities, towns and villages of the Golan: Banias, Fiq, el Al, Hamma, alKursi, Kasrin, Bteiha, Kafralma, Naaran, Ziwan and many others.
D - Islamic sites: (72 sites) These are the most common, spread in most of the urban areas especially those parallel to the old roads to Palestine ,Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Other sites are located near the centers of Arab Bedouin groupings. Most famous of these are: Quneitra, Banias, Waset, Jubbata alZeit, Fiq, Skeik, Dalwa, Kafr Naffakh, Ulleiqa, Sleila, Ein warda, Ramathania, Dabboura Sanaber, Almin, Bteiha, Rafid, Bridge of Banat Yacoub "Jacob,s daughters' bridge", Razzania, Saida and others.


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