Tuesday, 22 October 2024

 Israeli in occupied Golan is he summesing in tus main cities actiaties: expausion and building settlements

First :annexing Arab land
This policy represents the core of Zionist thinking and practice. Immediately after 1967 israeli authorities
treated the Golan an a "state overd land" and confiscated %90 of its area of the 5 villages that reminded
inhabited under occupations, Israeli authorities confiscated v.35 of their land (that 35 square km of 100 square
km) Israeli authorities practice all kinds of presses on Arab villages; prevent them from building ,cease them
organizational plaus, annexes posts of their lands, changes tge name of Arab locations into Helsew names example
are: Tall abu Nada become: Har Abital, lake Masaada become Berekhet Ram etc…the want of these practices was the
law of annexation of the Golan issued by the Israeli Knesset on 14.12.1981.
Second; water
This complements land confiscation occupation authorities considers that aquifers and rivers of the Golan and
Palestine are Israeli ownership, now Israel contsals all the recourses of water in the Golan including Bannias
river which gives 100 million cubic meters annually. Israel also controls lake Mosaada (6 million cubic meters )
which irrigate neighboring villages.
In order to irrigate their field Syrian Golan citizen built metal water tanks round dug small pits to collect
soisn water. Now there are more than 500 tanks and pits with a capacity of loaf a million cubic meters of water
occupation authorities imposed high financial taxes on these tanks and pits. If villages refuse to pay their
tanks and pits will he destroyed. One of them said with biherness "god sends us rain free of charge and
occupation authorities oblige us to pay money for gods gifts"
Third: settlement
Settlement started in the Golan after five weeks of the occupation , that is on 15 July 1967. the first
settlement "Mesom Ha Golan " was built west of Quneitra since then 40 after settlement were built settlement
have military and economic roles they have asounal 18000 settlers. All of these settlement were built on the
ruins of Arab villages destroyed by the Israeli forces Israel built the katsrin settlement as a regional
capital in the center of the Golan and on parts of their land settlement like "new Arab" and "nimrod" were
built among the remaining five Arab villages and on their land.
Fourth : Economic attrition
This implemented by many types of taxes on Arab villages when they refuse to pay they are our taxed and their
lands will he confiscated. Those who object to this policy are determined and find between 500 and 1500 U.S
Fifth : Education and culture
The policy of education in the Golan can be called "systematic plan of dis education" . immediately after the
occupation Arabic Syrian Republic curriculum was replaced by the Israeli curriculum imposed on the Arabs of
1948. this was not the case in the was bank where only few sulyects were changed the level of education is
generally weak. Most qualified teachers were dismissed new Israeli curriculum reflects that contradict with the
traditions and heritage of the Golan citizen and their ts resolutions with their home land Syria. It concertras
on secteriam values. Asulyject titled "heritage of the Durze" was imposed since 1976. this subject fabricates a
false trachtions to this post of our people in order to alienate it from souseces of his pride: pam Arabism and Islam .

Arab citizens particularly mached this sulys and refused to accept it saying : we have no special heritage. Our
heritage is the Arab Islamic heritage our history is apart of the total history of the Arab people to correct
these practices Syrian radio T.V transmitted special educational programs directed to the Arab students in
occupied Golan and Palestine. The highest educational level in the Golan in the secondary school the small
numbers of high school students and lack of financial resources do not help establishing a university.
Establishing in Israel universities is nearly closed to Arab students because of the high average required which
Arab students cannot acquire due to the weak leave of education in occupied territories Arathey reason in the
high feas Israeli universities demand which can not he offered by Arabs. To solve the problem Syria opened its
universities to the Golan students the first group creased the bares in 1977 with the help of the IRCO. In 1981
after the law of annexation Israeli precuted Golan students from joining Syrian universities in 1990 students
resumed study in the Syria again. To avoid cultersol seclusion imposed on Arabs by Israeli authorities Golan
citizen practiced many cultural activities in cooperation and coordination with Arabs of the west bank and gaze
and the Arabs of 1948.
Sixth ; health care
Israeli occupying authorities dihherotely neglect health services in the Golan. They enen closed the only health
center that swswived the war and changed it into a resident to the military governors for many years people are
alliyed to pay health taxes against what Israel calls "health insurance" because Israel offers no real health
services golauis depend mostly on Arab hospitals in the Gahlee west bank and Jerusalem region Syrian phyncian
from the Golan receive patents from the occupied villages in their prinate cities in 1994 a medical center was
opened in Majdal Shams with the help of the local senside and the "gradnates security in the Golan" other
branches were opened in the other four villages to give service to the patients doctors service symbolic fees on
no fees at all. There is no hospital no analysis laboratory or medical in the clinic in the Golan.

People of the Golan live in these secure conditions imposed by the Israelis under a suffering information siege.
Israelis under a suffering information siege. Israels deformus life in the Golan without any international
protest due to small nummles of the population and the qiticol geographical situation which facilitates Israeli
Golani people contact with their Syrian kirms relations and visitors og the golan through landspeakers from the
top of the a valley at the ceasefic line east of Majdal Shams the valley has several mine fields and concertina
line it is 400m wide hence it is called the shoutimg valley are the waling valley every visitor to the site feels
heavy stress of occupation and the human pain of families separated on both sides of the valley in this site many
tragic enemies took place most impressing in the old lady who died out of the sufferings she was shouting to her
son on the other sid when she fell dead her son couldn’t even touch her hand streching towards him his brother
carried their mother to her busiad in front of his own ages. This event was recorded in a foot age fused by
syrian T.V in a documentary called “Rabias weeding “



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